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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Compass Systems Jobs Notification 2015

Compass Systems Careers 2015: Compass Systems, Inc. is a customer focused engineering services company employing a staff of highly qualified engineers, software professionals, technicians, and support staff who understand everything from cutting-edge design, prototyping and manufacturing of C4ISR tactical systems and how they can integrate with current and future Department of Defense systems, to operational and administrative support. Compass has approx. 225+ full-time professionals and support staff who operate in both CONUS and OCONUS areas with offices in Lexington Park, MD; Johnstown, PA; Yuma, AZ; and Charleston, SC.

(2 – 6 years) Android Developer Positions in Noida:
Compass Systems is providing the job opportunities for experienced candidates to work as Android Developer in Noida. Graduation, Post Graduation, Doctorate candidates are eligible.

Job summary:
Company Name: Compass Systems
Experience: 2 – 6 years
Education: Any Graduation/ Any Post Graduation/ Any Doctorate
Location: Noida
Industry: IT-Software/ Software Services
Role: Software Developer
Key skills: HTML, CSS, Java Script, Android Sdk, Web Services, Web Technologies

Job description:
Candidates should have experience in HTML, CSS, Java Script, Android Sdk, Web Services, Web Technologies, Good Communication Skills.

Contact details:
Company Name: Compass Systems

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